Cover-Judgers Anonymous (1)

 Never judge a book by its cover.

 If you've read my blog, you've probably heard me refer to myself as a shameless cover-judger.  I know, I'm seeking help.  But I don't think I'm the only one out there who does it.

So I invite you, readers, to share your opinion, and maybe we can come to a cure to this problem together.

Author Andrea Cremer has gorgeous covers for her Nightshade series.  Nightshade (book one) is out already in hardcover, and while the cover is absoutely breathtaking (the one on the left just below this paragraph), after I read the book, I didn't think it really flowed with the tone of the novel.  Calla, the main character, is tough as nails and a warrior to boot, and while she is beautiful, that's probably the least important thing about her, so I felt the cover of her done up with tons of eye makeup, holding flowers was a little bit off.  

Then, this week, after I had posted my review of Nightshade, Andrea Cremer posted on twitter some very exciting news...her series is getting new covers.  Below, I've posted the original covers on the left, and the new covers on the right.

What are your thoughts?  If you haven't read the series, which do you prefer just on a visual level?  If you have read the first book, which covers do you think embody the series better?

Personally, I think both a beautiful, but I think the newer covers are a better fit.

What do you think?

Happy Reading!



  1. I agree with you on the first new cover being a better fit for the books but the second new cover just seems generic/will blend in with other books already out there.

    Either way though I can't wait to read Wolfsbane. :)

  2. I sort of prefer the originals. I know that's not very PC, but the 2nd lot are just a bit... dark and 'older'.


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