Monday Mini-Reviews (1)

Good Morning Everyone!

I've decided that my little hiatus has gone on long enough, and in order to get back into the swing of things, I'm introducing a new feature on the blog. Monday Mini-Reviews. Here you'll find my quick opinions on books I've read (or have tried to read and couldn't get through).

So let me know what you think!

Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross

Sadly this was a did-not-finish for me. I adore fairy tales, but this one had insta-love all over it.

Keep Holding On by Susane Colasanti

Liked this one quite a bit, but not for the romance. The love interest seemed to be in the background the whole time. Great story about a girl finding the strength to stand up for herself, but not as romantic as it's made out to be.

No Safety in Numbers by Dayna Lorentz

Loved the concept, but wasn't in love with all the point-of-view characters. The tone of the story was excellent, and kept getting tenser as the situation worsened. Amazing ending. Can't wait for book 2!


  1. I`m sad to hear that Kill Me Softly was a DNF for you. I was so excited for that one and now it`s sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. Hopefully I like it a little more... :S Welcome back from your hiatus :D

  2. I like the sound of No Safety in Numbers! I saw it at a bookstore the other day and it's vibrant cover caught my eye.

    I'm also really sad that you didn't like Kill Me Softly. I've actually heard that from a number of people, but I still really really want to read it because I am cuckoo for fairy tale retellings.


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