Cover Watch - Across the Universe (paperback edition)

Guh...can someone explain to me how I managed to miss this? I can't be the only one, right?

So gorgeous! These are totally my colours, which makes the choice between the epic hardcover cover and this one really, really difficult for me.

What say you?  Let me know in the comments!



  1. wow pretty!! Definitely prefer the paperback personally

    The Cait Files

  2. @Cait - I'm actually really torn between the two. I thought the hardcover was gorgeous when it came out, but the paperback just seems much more "me", you know?

  3. I've yet to read this one but been planning to pick it up for awhile. I really like both of the covers though. I'd probably have to go with hardback.

    New follower. ^_^

    Justin @ Justin's Book Blog

  4. @Justin941 - Oh, you have to read it. It's sooooo good. And if you get the hardback, the cover is actually reversible.

    One side is the pretty, pretty pink/purple/sparkly side, and the other is a blue and white blueprint (suddenly the blue/white thing makes sense!) of the ship.

    I'm tempted by both covers. The paperback for being my fave colour, the hardback for the reversible cover.

    I'm so torn!


  5. *pats* It's okay that you didn't notice the new paperback cover of ATU. I still like the pretty original cover more. :)

  6. @Midnight Bloom - Thx for the comfort, but did I miss this? I noticed you managed to snag a copy of bk2, though. So. Epically. Jealous!

  7. I really like that new cover. I haven't read the book yet so I'm not sure which one fits the story better. They both convey totally different messages - the original seems more focused on a love story whereas the new one seems more sci-fi dystopian to me. Both are gorgeous though.

  8. @Karen - see, that's one of the reasons why I'm so torn.

    Personally, I feel like the romance took a backseat to the sci-fi dystopian plotline (and considering the situation the main character is in, it's COMPLETELY understandable...if I woke up on a spaceship, i'd be a little more concerned about that as opposed to the cute boy. Just sayin').

    So on the one hand, I feel like the new cover fits the story a little better...but the old one was just soooo gorgeous.

    I can't decide. Someone else decide for me, quick!


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