Waiting on Wednesday (13)

Waiting on Wednesday was a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine, so that bloggers can feature upcoming realases that they cannot wait to get their hands one.

Here's mine...
 The first book in this series (Born at Midnight) only came out yesterday, and I already want the next one.  But since the first one did just come out, and most of you probably haven't had a chance to read it yet (unless you're super-speedy, and in that case, bravo *tips hat*) here's a teeny-tiny sneak peek at the summary for book two...

Kylie Galen thought her life was a mess before she went to Shadow Falls Camp...(more at goodreads.com)

But come on, the first one was about a summer camp for supernatural teens.  What's not to like?  Besides, the covers in this series are gorgeous, no?

Can't wait.  Needy.

So...what's on your Waiting on Wednesday this week?

Let me know in the comments!



  1. Very excited about this one too as I really enjoyed the first book. I also love the cover which reminds me of the place in the wood where Derek took Kylie.

  2. I haven't read the first one yet but it is close to the top of my pile :) Hopefully I will be wanting the sequel!

  3. The first one sounds good. I need a good paranormal... moving on the top of my TBR pile!

  4. Oooooh the first book just came in the post this morning - super excited. Didn't know there was a cover already out for the next one - love it.

  5. I love it when you finish a book and know immediately that there is another one. Though waiting is always hard...good pick!

    My WOW

  6. Woot!. You have read the first book?
    I'd love to read it >.<
    hmmm...talk about the cover, I love its color.
    It's better the previous one.

    It's all About Books

  7. Awesome pick! I haven't heard of this series, but I'm definitely going to check it out!

  8. Haha, I'm planning on buying Born at Midnight.


  9. Born at Midnight looks awesome. I read an interview with C.C. Hunter and I'm definitely intrigued by this series. Love the covers, too!


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